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100% GCSE curriculum
Human-expert verified
Year 7-11 (GCSE) maths curriculum 100% covered.
Find a solution to any textbook task & understand the deeper logic. All answers are verified by Maths experts.

Meet the teachers & tutors building Stemy
We work with professional maths teachers & tutors across England to cover all GCSE topics.
Dr. Chinwe C. Njoku
Educational Consultant, NPQLT, former Head of Maths, STEM Lead, 8+ years’ teaching experience
Naveena Khanna
Maths and science tutor for A-Level and GCSE. BSc. Medical Sciences (Neuroscience)
Wing Liu
16 years teaching experience, Lead Practitioner of Mathematics, Liaison Tutor at LJMU
14 000+ learning sessions and counting
Stemy has helped thousands of students to overcome their negative feelings and build confidence in maths.

My kid is a little shy, so Stemy is a great alternative for a tutor”
– Olivia, Parent

Every time I don’t understand something at school, I work through it with Stemy at home.”
– Anna, Year 11

Stemy helped me stay on track when I missed a week of school.”
– Chrystal, Year 10

I have never learnt so much in 45 minutes.”
– Carl, Year 7
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